Part II. Evolutionary Database Development

This part describes how to take an evolutionary (iterative and incremental) approach to data-oriented development. You likely need to read all the material in this part. The best approach is to start with Chapter 9 for an overview and then read the rest of the chapters in the order that makes the most sense to you. Experienced agile modelers might choose to skip Chapter 10. Developers experienced with database encapsulation, mapping objects, and performance tuning may choose to skim these chapters but should expect to discover several new ideas that they haven't considered before. The bottom line is that the "let's create a data model early in the life cycle, baseline it, and then force developers to follow a strict change-management process" is no longer acceptable (if it ever was) — data professionals need to change their approach and this part describes techniques for doing exactly that.

Chapter 9: Vive L' Évolution.

This chapter argues that agile software development is real and here to stay, that data is an important aspect of most systems, and that all agile methodologies take an evolutionary approach to development. Therefore, if data professionals wish to remain relevant, they must embrace evolutionary development.

Chapter 10: Agile Model-Driven Development (AMDD).

Agile Modeling (AM) is a chaordic collection of practices for the effective development of models and documents. AM defines a streamlined approach to evolutionary modeling ...

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