
Note: Page numbers followed by “b,” “f,” and “t” refer to boxes, figures, and tables, respectively.

0-9, and Symbols

2×2 planning matrix, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481–482, 481f
for top-down test selection, 441–444
framework for assessing QA plan’s coverage, 441–443
linking test planning to requirements and risk management, 443–444
3NF data model, hyper normalizing, 332f
80/20 specifications, 90–92, 142, 148–149
231 swamps
derive from command and control strategy, 110–111
enterprise data warehouse slip into, 109–111


Accuracy, 137–138, 143
vs. precision, 137f, 138t
Add-mod instance widget, 391, 391, 404
Administrative metadata, 65–66
Agile data engineering, 8, 257, 286–287, 517
Agile DW/BI project
cost impacts, investigating, 106–107, 106t

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