Chapter 8. Extreme Programming


It's easy to have a complicated idea.

It's very very hard to have a simple idea.

 --Carver Mead


  • Classification of XP.

  • Workproducts, roles, and practices.

  • Common mistakes, adoption and process mixtures, strengths and weaknesses.

Extreme Programming (XP) is a well-known agile method; it emphasizes collaboration, quick and early software creation, and skillful development practices. It is founded on four values: communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. In addition to IID, it recommends 12 core practices:

1. Planning Game

7. pair programming

2. small, frequent releases

8. team code ownership

3. system metaphors

9. continuous integration

4. simple design

10. sustainable pace

5. testing

11. whole team together

6. frequent ...

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