a simple or complex rearrangement, alteration, or distortion of the representation of natural appearance, used for stylistic distinction and/or communication purposes.
Ad Council:
an organization that identifies “a select number of significant public issues and stimulates action on those issues through communications programs that make a measurable difference in our society. To that end, the Ad Council marshals volunteer talent from the advertising and communications industries, the facilities of the media, and the resources of the business and nonprofit communities to create awareness, foster understanding, and motivate action.”—
appropriating another form of visual art, such as fine art, or another form of artistic work, such as a graphic novel.
advertisement (ad):
a specific message constructed to inform, persuade, promote, provoke, or motivate people on behalf of a brand or group.
the generation and creation of specific visual and verbal messages constructed to inform, persuade, promote, provoke, or motivate people on behalf of a brand or entity.
advertising agency:
a business that provides clients with creative, marketing, and other business services related to planning, creating, producing, and placing advertisements.
advertising campaign:
a series of coordinated ads—in one or more media—that are based on a single, overarching strategy or theme, where each individual ad in the campaign can stand on its own. See ...

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