Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Adaptive body biasing (ABB) 686–687
Adjacency lists 165–166
Adjacency matrix 163–165
Affinity-based scheduling 
cluster enlargement 92
graph-based approach 91–92
graph partitioning 92
irregular benchmarks 92–93
nonuniform data sharing 91
normalized L1 miss ratios 93f, 94
seed selection 92
sorted list creation 92
speedups of single-kernel runs 93f
All-pair shortest path (APSP) problem 
Floyd-Warshall algorithm 
memory coalescing 182
phases 181
pseudocode 181, 181b
Johnson algorithm 180
matrix multiplication procedure 180
lazy minimum evaluation 182
repeated squaring technique 182
streaming block optimization 182
repeated squaring APSP ...

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