

abort signals, 7

absolute path, directories, 3

accept, 526

file descriptors, 73

access, 185–186

file systems, low-level access, 127–131

addresses, sockets, 523

AF_INET6, 538–539

AF_UNIX, 534–535

functions, 700

structures, 533–534

advisory locks, 81, 487–488

AF_INET6 socket addresses, 538–539

AF_UNIX socket addresses, 534–535

AIO (asynchronous I/O), 189–190

control block, 191–192

synchronous comparison, 196–198

aio_cancel, 194

aio_error, 193

aio_fsync, 194–195

aio_read, 192

aio_return, 193

aio_suspend, 195–196

aio_write, 192

alarm, 651–653

API standards, 39–40

applications, full-screen, 250–255

asctime, 59

async-signal-safe functions, 616

AT&T Bell Laboratories, 16


bidirectional pipes, 399–401

binary semaphores, 81

bind, 525

block special ...

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