Using SQL queries programmatically

In the previous recipe, we discussed how to use a UFT DB checkpoint. Here, we will show you how to execute a SQL statement using VBScript code.

Getting ready

We will use the function library DB_Func.vbs as in the previous recipe Establishing and closing a database connection.

How to do it...

In our custom class DB_Handler, we will add a new private m_oRecordset field to hold the results of our query and a new method executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery), which, of course, accepts a string with a valid SQL query as the argument:

Private m_oRecordset

function executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery)
    Set m_oRecordset = m_oDBConnection.Execute(SQLQuery)
End Function

Additionally, in our Action1 datasheet, we would call the executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery) ...

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