


AddThis widget, 213

Advertising and promotion

budget, 66

campaign, 73

combatting social media fatigue, 70

disadvantages, 72

earned media, 72

Facebook, 74

fan-driving schemes, 73

goals and tests

disproportion, 68

measure results, 70

media buyers, 67

social media sites, 68

landscape offers, 72

operations, 73

social placement and money pits

commercial impressions, 65

encourage, 65

guidelines, 66

marketers, 66

recommendations, 65

ROAS, 65

strangers, 66

traditional advertising, 66

suspicion, 73

Twitter, 73

AIDS-fighting charity (RED), 62

American Express

businesses, 197

innovative programs, 196

introduction, 196

Membership Effect, 198

Art ...

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