
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables.’
Adaptive persistent security, 232–233
Adaptive threats, 25–26, 232
Advanced analytics
Advanced Persistent Security (APS), 7–8, 15, 46
adaptive persistent security, 232–233
APT, 9–10
Defense in Depth, 7
detection, 3–5
effectiveness of security program, 232
implementing advanced technologies, 231
protection, 2–3
reaction, 5–7
security conference, 1
security environment creation, 8
security program, 2
to Sony hack, 10–11
Advanced persistent threat (APT), 9–10, 52, 68–69
APT-related attacks, 8
attacks, 182
breach team, 70
Adversary, 52–53, 214, 217, 228
attack strategies, 218
Bitcoin, 74–75
Botnets, ...

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