
These are some books that I have found immensely useful in my professional life, in particular in applications development. Perhaps you will too.

  1. Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Addison-Wesley (1994)

  2. Programming Pearls. Jon Bentley. Addison-Wesley (1986)

    Just get it. Read it on the way home!

  3. More Programming Pearls. Jon Bentley. Addison-Wesley (1990)

  4. Design and Evolution of C++. Bjarne Stroustrup. Addison-Wesley (1994)

    Fascinating study of the kind of considerations that drive language design.

  5. The Mythical Man-Month. Frederick P. Brooks. Addison-Wesley (1995)

    One of the most readable sets of essays on software project management and development.

  6. Bringing Design to Software. Terry Winograd. Addison-Wesley (1996)

    What we typically don’t worry about in an application—but should.

  7. BUGS in Writing. Lyn Dupré. Addison-Wesley (1995)

    Highly recommended for programmers writing technical documentation.

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