5.17. PLVlog: Logging Facility

The PLVlog (PL/Vision LOGging) package provides a powerful, generic logging facility for PL/SQL packages. See Chapter 21 for details.

5.17.1. Package constants

c_file CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'PLV.log';

The default name of the file contains the PL/Vision log when writing to an operating system file. This can be—and usually would be—overridden with your own file name. It is only applicable if you are using PL/SQL Release 2.3 or above.

c_noaction CONSTANT PLV.plsql_identifier%TYPE := '*NO ROLLBACK*';

Name for rollback activity to not perform any rollback.

c_none CONSTANT PLV.plsql_identifier%TYPE := '*FULL*';

Name to indicate that a full rollback should occur.

c_default CONSTANT PLV.plsql_identifier%TYPE := '*DEFAULT*';

Name to indicate that a rollback should occur to the default savepoint.

c_last CONSTANT PLV.plsql_identifier%TYPE := '*PLVRB-LAST*';

Name to indicate that a rollback should occur to the last savepoint recorded by PLVrb.

c_PLVlogsp CONSTANT PLV.plsql_identifier%TYPE :=

The default savepoint issued after a write to the log.

5.17.2. Controlling logging activity

PROCEDURE turn_on;

Turns on the logging activity; calls to put_line write information to the log (default).

PROCEDURE turn_off;

Turns off the log mechanism.


Returns TRUE if the log is active.

5.17.3. Selecting the log type

PROCEDURE sendto (type_in IN VARCHAR2, file_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);

Generic program ...

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