Calculating the average

So, we can calculate the average of our average = 0 in the second then callback function:

// Andrew has a 83% in the classconst getStatus = (userId) => {  var user;  return getUser(userId).then((tempUser) => {    user = tempUser;    return getGrades(user.schoolId);  }).then((grades) => {    var average = 0;    // average    // return our string  });};

Now, we've been using const throughout the course. We can actually switch our var over to let; let is the ES6 equivalent to var, so this is a variable whose value we can change:

// Andrew has a 83% in the classconst getStatus = (userId) => {  let user;  return getUser(userId).then((tempUser) => {    user = tempUser;    return getGrades(user.schoolId);  }).then((grades) => {    let average = 0; // average ...

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