
The main functions of the transport engineering field refer to the needs of users, the study and design of technical and industrial solutions, as well as their implementation and supervision.

The user of a transport system can be a network controller or a passenger who needs travel information. In any case, a client needs to be provided with advanced mobility services.

Transport engineering is a field of enquiry appealing to researchers worldwide. The purpose of their work is to improve existing solutions or to try to solve new functional problems in an effective manner.

New problem-solving methods are being developed in relation to the emerging needs of users as well as the latest communication and mobility technologies in an ergonomic, socioeconomic and ecological context.

Thanks to the meeting of the best teams of researchers and innovators in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region within CISIT1 — the International Campus on Safety and Intermodality in Transportation — many lasting partnerships have been developed with the contribution of industrialists, transport operators and international researchers who have been invited to join us. As a result of these fruitful partnerships, the idea of writing a reference work emerged.

These research endeavors are part of the “Multimodal Urban and Intercity Networks” action initiated by CISIT in order to accomplish the strategic objective of “optimal management of multimodal transport chains”. This objective is associated with three other ...

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