File Operations

NSFileManager also abstracts out a number of common file operations, such as copying, moving, removing, and linking items. As expected, there are two API families: one using string paths and the other using URLs.

Path operations

You can use the following methods to copy, move, (hard) link, and remove files and directories:

- (BOOL) copyItemAtPath: (NSString *) srcPath  toPath: (NSString *) dstPath
                  error: (NSError **) error;

- (BOOL) moveItemAtPath: (NSString *) srcPath  toPath: (NSString *) dstPath
                  error: (NSError **) error;

- (BOOL) linkItemAtPath: (NSString *) srcPath  toPath: (NSString *) dstPath 
                  error: (NSError **) error;

- (BOOL) removeItemAtPath: (NSString *) path 
                    error: (NSError **) error;

These methods will potentially ...

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