
Aggregates are DTrace’s way of accumulating a lot of individual pieces of data into a more useful overall view. Seeing individual read() times can be useful, if a bit voluminous. Having a min / max / average of read times may be much more interesting.

The syntax for using a DTrace aggregate looks a bit like using array.

@​n​a​m​e​[​k​e​y​]​ ​=​ ​a​g​g​f​u​n​c​(​)​;​

The leading at-sign means that an aggregate is being used, and the assignment is a function rather than an expression. There are a number of aggregating functions:


Keeps count of the number of times it is called.


Accumulates the total value of the expression over time.


Accumulates the arithmetic average of the expression over time. ...

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