
 <html> <head> <title>FolderTree example</title> </head> <!-- (Please keep all copyright notices.) This frameset document includes the FolderTree script. Script found in: http://www.geocities.com/marcelino_martins/foldertree.html Author: Marcelino Alves Martins (http://www.mmartins.com) --> <!-- Instructions: -Make changes to the title and add other head tags above. -Do not makes changes to the left frame. -You can change the name of the right-frame document from "startPage.htm" to something else, but use the same name in the argument of the first gFld in the defineMyTree.js file. -Do not change the name of the frames ("treeframe" and "basefrm") or else the links in the tree will not work. -Note: the script was not designed to ...

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