Task automation with Grunt

Grunt is a task runner and a great way to automate your node projects. Let's add a simple grunt script to our project in order to automate running tests and code coverage. Let's install Grunt and Grunt CLI:

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install grunt –-save-dev

The grunt-cafe-mocha is a grunt module for running mocha; this module will also allow us to automate code coverage reports:

npm install grunt-cafe-mocha –-save-dev

The grunt-jscoverage simply generates an instrumented version of our source code and writes it to ./lib-cov:

npm install grunt-jscoverage –-save-dev

The grunt-env allows you to set the current node environment, NODE_ENV:

npm install grunt-env  –-save-dev

Let's create a grunt file ./gruntfile.js. We load ...

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