E. Answers to Quiz Questions

Chapter 1

1. False

2. onPreExecute()

3. executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR)

4. The Loader class

5. False

Chapter 2

1. False

2. bindService()

3. A remote interface

4. False

5. IntentService

Chapter 3

1. False

2. ContentValues

3. setTransactionSuccessful()

4. True

5. Store the location as a file path or URI

Chapter 4

1. onCreate(), delete(), getType(), insert(), query(), update()

2. content://

3. False

4. False

Chapter 5

1. Normal and ordered

2. False

3. Register to receive broadcasts and implement a broadcast receiver class


5. True

Chapter 6

1. getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

2. False

3. True

4. setNumber()

5. Causes notifications to be canceled when ...

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