


Represents a collection of OleDbParameter objects that are used with a single stored procedure or parameterized query and are added to the collection accessed using OleDbCommand.Parameters. You can retrieve an individual OleDbCommand object by its index or by its parameter name. This class also provides an overloaded Add( ) method that lets you create and add an OleDbParameter object to the collection in one step.

public sealed class OleDbParameterCollection : MarshalByRefObject, 

        System.Data.IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable {

// Public Instance Properties

   public int Count{get; }                                     // implements ICollection

   public OleDbParameter this[string parameterName]{set; get; } 

   public OleDbParameter this[int index]{set; get; } 

// Public Instance Methods

   public int Add(object value);                   // implements IList

   public OleDbParameter Add(OleDbParameter value);  

   public OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, object value);

   public OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType); 

   public OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType, int size);

   public OleDbParameter Add(string parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType, int size, string sourceColumn);

   public void Clear( );                                        // implements IList

   public bool Contains(object value);             // implements IList

   public bool Contains(string value);             // implements System.Data.IDataParameterCollection

   public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);                // implements ICollection

   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ...

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