
Fields.Resync Method — (Versions 2.5, 2.6)


                     record.Fields.Resync ResyncValues

The Resync method updates the current collection based upon the underlying database.


ResyncValues (ResyncEnum)

Optional. Specifies whether the underlying values within the Fields collection are overwritten. The default value for this parameter is adResyncAllValues.


The Resync method resynchronizes the Field objects of a Record object’s Fields collection with those within the underlying database.

The default value for the only parameter to this method, adResyncAllValues synchronizes all of the values within the UnderlyingValue, Value, and OriginalValue properties.

If a Field object within the collection has a Status property equal to either adFieldPendingUnknown or adFieldPendingInsert, then the Resync method is ignored for those Field objects.

See Also

Field.OriginalValue Property, Field.Status Property, Field.UnderlyingValue Property, Field.Value Property, ResyncEnum Enumeration

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