
FieldAttributesEnum Enumeration — (Versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6)


The FieldAttributesEnum enumeration indicates attributes of a field.

Table E-22. The FieldAttributesEnum Enumeration

Enumeration (ADO/WFC)



adFldCacheDeferred (CACHEDEFERRED)
4096 (&H1000)

Indicates that the ADO caches the value of this field, and any future attempts to read this value will be read from the cache.

adFldFixed (FIXED)
16 (&H10)

Indicates that the field’s value is of fixed length.

adFldIsChapter (no ADO/WFC equivalent)

8192 (&H2000)

Indicates that the field specifies a chapter value, which in turn contains a child recordset.

adFldIsCollection (no ADO/WFC equivalent)

262144 (&H40000)

Indicates that the field is a collection of other resources such as a folder, directory, etc.

adFldIsDefaultStream (no ADO/WFC equivalent)

131072 (&H20000)

Indicates that the field contains the default Stream object for the record.

adFldIsNullable (ISNULLABLE)
32 (&H20)

Indicates that the field accepts Null values.

adFldIsRowURL (no ADO/WFC equivalent)

65536 (&H10000)

Indicates that the field contains the URL that names the resource from the data store.

adFldKeyColumn (no ADO/WFC equivalent)

32768 (&H8000)

Indicates that the field belongs to a key within its table.

adFldLong (LONG)
128 (&H80)

Indicates that the field’s value is a long binary field. This also indicates that you may use the AppendChunk and GetChunk methods on this field.

adFldMayBeNull (MAYBENULL) ...

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