
Stream.Open Method — (Versions 2.5, 2.6)


stream.Open Source, Mode, OpenOptions, UserName, Password

The Open method opens a Stream object from a URL, an opened Record object, or without a source at all, in memory.


Source (Variant)

Optional. Indicates the source of the resource to open. This can be a URL or an open Record object. Omitting this argument instructs ADO to open the Stream object in memory only.

Mode (ConnectModeEnum)

Optional. Indicates the access permissions with which to open the Stream object. The default value is adModeUnknown; if the Stream object is opened with a Record object, the Mode value is taken from that object, ignoring this argument.

OpenOptions (StreamOpenOptions)

Optional. Can be one or more StreamOpenOptions enumeration values, which indicate whether the Stream object should be opened asynchronously or if it is being opened from a Record object, but the default value is adOpenStreamUnspecified.

UserName (String)

Optional. Indicates, if necessary, the username that will be used to access the resource indicated by the source argument. If the Stream object is being opened with a Record object, this value is ignored because access is already available for the resource.

Password (String)

Optional. Indicates, if necessary, the password to verify the UserName argument. If the Stream object is being opened with a Record object, this value is ignored because access is already available for the resource.


The Open method of the Stream ...

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