
Recordset.Resync Method — (Versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6)


                     recordset.Resync AffectRecords

The Resync method of the Recordset object refreshes the data in the recordset from the underlying data source.


AffectRecords (AffectEnum)

Optional. An enumerator of type AffectEnum having the value of adAffectCurrent (1), adAffectGroup (2), or adAffectAll (3, the default).

If the value of AffectRecords is adAffectCurrent, the Resync method call affects only the pending updates for the current record of the recordset.

If the value of AffectRecords is adAffectGroup, the Resync method call affects only the pending records that are dictated through the Filter property of the current Recordset object. This property must be already set for the Resync method to be called with the adAffectGroup parameter.

If the value of AffectRecords is adAffectAll, all records pending updates within the current Recordset object (including those hidden by the Filter property) are affected by the Resync method.


The Resync method of the Recordset object is used to resynchronize the records in the current recordset with those found in the underlying data source. This is very useful when you have either a Static or a Forward Only cursor and you want to check whether anyone else has altered the records in the data source.

The Resync method does not show you records that have been added to the data source; rather, it simply updates the ones that you already have. Therefore, the Resync method does ...

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