
This chapter was written to help you understand how to trap and potentially alter executions prior to their completion, as well as develop applications that are notified once an operation is complete. After reading this chapter, you should be able to fully understand how the ADO Event Model works and the following key points about it:

  • There are two different types of events, Will/Complete events and Standalone events.

  • The Connection object supports events that deal with connecting to a data source, executing commands, transaction management, and informational events that belong to the ConnectionEvent family.

  • The Recordset object supports events that deal with the asynchronous fetching of records, movement through a recordset, and Field, Record, and Recordset Change events that belong to the RecordsetEvent family.

  • Within a given event, an operation can be canceled or an event can be turned off so that the application will no longer receive them.

The next chapter of this book, Chapter 9, explains how to use one or more data providers to construct a hierarchical view (shaped view) of your data.

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