Accessing ADO with Visual J++

Like Visual C++, Visual J++ offers a number of ways to access ActiveX Data Objects. By far the easiest and most powerful is to use the Windows Foundation Classes, which expose the ADO objects and their members.

Referencing ActiveX Data Objects

To use the ActiveX Data Objects within your Visual J++ application through the WFC, you must import the type library with the following statement:


Creating ActiveX Data Objects

In order to create an ActiveX Data Object in Visual J++, you must first create a variable to reference that object, as follows:

// define a variable which will be used as a reference to the
// Connection object
Connection  con;

// define a variable which will be used as a reference to the
// Recordset object
Recordset   rst;

Next, you can create a new instance of an ActiveX Data Object by using the new keyword and assigning it to the variable reference you just defined:

' create a new instance of an ADO Connection object
con = new Connection(  );

' create a new instance of an ADO Recordset object
rst = new Recordset(  );

These last two steps could be combined into one step with the following code (this is one of the beauties of Java):

// define a variable which will be used as a reference to the // Connection object and create a new instance for that variable Connection con = new Connection( ); // define a variable which will be used as a reference to the // Recordset object and create a new instance for that variable Recordset ...

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