Chapter 3. Accessing ADO with Various Languages

Because ActiveX Data Objects expose their properties by means of COM interfaces, they can be accessed by any language that can utilize COM. In this book, we will look at accessing ADO from Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++, since these are the most commonly used tools for developing ADO applications on the Windows operating system.

In addition to these three languages, there are two scripting languages that are already well-established: VBScript and JScript. VBScript is a lightweight subset of Visual Basic that’s designed specifically for adding script to HTML documents. JScript is Microsoft’s implementation of JavaScript, designed for script development within HTML documents.

Although ADO is meant to offer the same development interface to each language from which it is accessed, some inconsistencies arise because of differences in their syntax and the development environments in which they are used. In this chapter, we will take a look at each of the five languages and learn how to get started developing ADO applications in each.

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