Appendix B. The Properties Collection

The Properties collection exists within the Connection, Command, Recordset, and Field objects. This collection provides dynamic property information about its corresponding ADO object directly from the underlying data provider.

The Properties collection is not very complicated. Because the capabilities with the Properties collection is limited, so are the number of properties and methods. In fact, there is only one property, Count, which returns the number of Property objects within the Properties collection. Only two methods belong to the Properties collection: Item and Refresh. Item, as its name implies, accesses an individual Property object within the Properties collection. The Refresh method repopulates the corresponding ADO object with the dynamic Property objects that describe the characteristics of the underlying data provider.

Each Property object within the Properties collection represents a single attribute of the underlying data provider that pertains to the associated ADO object, whether it is the Connection, Command, Recordset, or Field object.

An individual Property object does not have any methods, but it does have four properties of its own:


Returns a string value representing the name of the property.


Returns a valid DataTypeEnum value indicating the datatype of the property’s value.


Sets or returns a variant value representing the value of the datatype.


Returns a valid PropertyAttributesEnum value ...

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