Further Reading

What follows is a list of some of my favorite books and articles pertaining to the various topics I discussed in this book. Some were cited, some weren’t, but they are all excellent and worthy of your time should you want to delve further into any or all of these topics (which I hope you will).

Understanding the Web

“A Dao of Web Design”by John Allsopp, A List Aparthttp://perma.cc/J88L-BANR

See also:http://perma.cc/ZZQ9-J7WQhttp://perma.cc/7VS4-TZRC

“Continuum”by Jeremy Keithhttp://perma.cc/U4SA-HKXY

“Information Management:A Proposal”by Tim Berners-Lee, CERNhttp://perma.cc/EQ4P-Q325

“Web! What is it good for?”by Jeremy Keithhttp://perma.cc/YPQ4-J8CL

“The Web’s Grain”by Frank Chimerohttp://perma.cc/CV85-B43B

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