
The world changes and with it comes new challenges. Many of the challenges our organizations face are the same ones we face as trainers.

Your organizations will look to you and your colleagues to help resolve the latest challenge of the day. Our profession must have answers to address these needs. What is your department's latest encounter? Doing more with less? Yes, that's one your organization is addressing. Globalization? Working with many generations in the workplace? Yes and yes. You will need to learn to work with the C-suite to better understand these issues from their perspective, so this chapter provides you with some ideas.

If this sounds as if your job is becoming more business oriented, you are right. Facing business realities is what this chapter is all about.

Examples in this chapter are in the form of tools, checklists, and ideas for how you can be more successful addressing the realities of the day. Even though these realities are business oriented, each also has a training element that requires your active learning tools and techniques.

This chapter addresses:

  • Doing more with less
  • Globalization
  • Working with multigenerational workforces
  • Working with the C-suite
  • Vendor management
  • Working with subject matter experts


The cry to “do more with less” is nothing new. As trainers we are tuned into the challenges our organizations face. We understand ...

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