
Some trainers teach until the last moments of a program and then conclude by passing out an evaluation sheet. An active training program should not end in such an impersonal and noneducational manner. Don't settle for an ordinary conclusion; you can take many positive actions to bring your program to a meaningful close.

One of the many possible options for concluding an active training program is to leave plenty of time at the end of your program for reviewing program content. Another alternative is to invite participants to express any lingering questions and concerns about the course content. A third possibility is to engage them in some form of self-assessment of what they now know, what they now can do, and what attitudes they now hold. A fourth course of action is to focus the group on back-on-the-job application. A fifth approach is to provide an opportunity for participants to express their sentiments toward each other. We will consider each of these steps in this chapter.


Reviewing the program with participants can take many forms. On the simplest level, you can ask them to recall the information and ideas that have been covered. If the program contained several experiential activities, you could encourage the participants to reminisce about what they've been through together. You might also request that they rehearse one more time the skills they've ...

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