Creating and Manipulating Shares with ADSI

The following code shows how easily you can create shares with ADSI:

Dim objComputer, objFileShare
Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://mydomainorworkgroup/mycomputer/LanmanServer")
Set objFileShare = objComputer.Create("FileShare", "MyNewShare")
objFileShare.Path = "c:\mydirectory"
objFileShare.Description = "My new Share"
objFileShare.MaxUserCount = 8

After we declare the objComputer and objFileShare variables, we bind to the LanmanServer object on the computer on which we want to create the shares. LanmanServer is the object name of the server service that runs on all Windows NT and later computers. We bind to this object because NT’s predecessor was LAN Manager and is still present to a large extent in the Windows OS.

Next, we use the IADsContainer::Create method to create an object of class FileShare and apply the IADsFileShare property methods to set the path, description, and maximum number of users. On an NT, Windows 2000, or Windows Server 2003 server, you can grant all users access to a share or limit access to as many users as you want. On a workstation, you can grant all users access to a share or limit access to between 1 and 10 users at a time. The latter restriction is due to the 10-connection limit that the OS imposes. The values that the IADsFileShare::MaxUserCount method accepts are -1 (which grants all users access), any numerical value between 1 and 10 on workstations, and, within reason, any numerical ...

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