
XMLSocket.onClose( ) Event Handler — specifies the callback handler invoked when the server closes the connection


Flash 5


socket.onClose = closeHandler
				socket.closeHandler( )


The onClose property allows you to specify a callback handler to be executed automatically whenever an open connection to socket is closed by the server. Server-instigated closures usually result from a server application shutting down or deliberately “kicking off” the client.


To respond to an onClose event, we must assign our own function (i.e., our callback handler) to the onClose property of an XMLSocket object. In practice, we use this callback handler to detect an external socket disconnection. The following code assigns the function handleClose( ) to mySocket’s onClose property. The handleClose( ) function simply alerts the user that a closure has occurred by updating the value of the text field status:

mySocket = new XMLSocket( );
mySocket.onClose = handleClose;

function handleClose ( ) {
  status += ("\nThe server has terminated the connection.\n");

See Also

XMLSocket.close( ); Section 10.6.2 in Chapter 10

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