
Array.slice( ) Method — create a new array using a subset of elements from an existing array


Flash 5


array.slice(startIndex, endIndex)



A zero-relative integer specifying the first element in array to add to the new array. If negative, startIndex indicates an element number counting backward from the end of array (-1 is the last element, -2 is the second-to-last element, etc.).


An integer specifying the element after the last element in array to add to the new array. If negative, endIndex counts backward from the end of array (-1 is the last element, -2 is the second-to-last element, etc.). If omitted, endIndex defaults to array .length.


A new array containing the elements of array from startIndex to endIndex -1.


The slice( ) method creates a new array by extracting a series of elements from an existing array. The new array is a subset of the elements of the original array, starting with array [ startIndex ] and ending with array [ endIndex -1].


myList = new Array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");

// Set myOtherList to ["b", "c", "d"]
myOtherList = myList.slice(1, 4);

// Set anotherList to ["d", "e"]
anotherList = myList.slice(3);

// Set yetAnotherList to ["c", "d"]
yetAnotherList = myList.slice(-3, -1);

See Also

Array.splice( ); Section 11.9.3 in Chapter 11, Section 5.11.4 in Chapter 5

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