Chapter 3. Anatomy of a Robotlegs application

We’re not going to bother with any Robotlegs HelloWorld, or even HelloTwitter—the truth is that Robotlegs only makes sense when applied to a real project. So most of the code samples in this book refer to two real personal projects by the authors. They’re small enough not to overwhelm a first time Robotlegs user, but they’re meaty enough to expose some of the problems and complexities that Robotlegs really excels at dealing with.

Rather than walk through the whole applications, we’ll pull out specific features and show how they’re implemented in isolation and how they connect to the wider application.

You’ll find the complete source for these projects, including tests, at

Obviously we weren’t able to cover every aspect of the framework in these two applications—particularly where we wanted to show how not to do things—so there are also some code snippets and examples that sit in isolation. These snippets are generic enough to make sense without having to understand the application they sit within. To differentiate between code you’ll find in the demos and code that’s just a snippet, we’ve prefixed code from our demo applications with KanbanApp: and MosaicTool: before the source filename in the code sample title.

Joel’s Personal Kanban

Without going into too much detail about Kanban, it is literally translated to English from Japanese as ‘signboard’. Developed by Toyota as a lean manufacturing ...

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