
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Abduction, 201f, 202

Abstract motion, 5

Academic drawing, 319, 320

Acceleration, 23

Acting, 4042, 360, 371

Action, 3738, 360

analysis, 4

and acting, 307309

pioneers of, 813

hierarchy of, 4449

role in animation, 288

Action research, 390391

Activity, 3537, 359

Adduction, 201f, 202

Adipose fins, 165167, 165f

Airfoil, 137, 139

Alilomimasis, 150

Anaerobic metabolism, 84, 85

Anal fins, 165

Anatomy, human, 323

Animal kingdom, human understanding of, 6973

Animal structure, stability, 78

Animals moving, forces acting on, 168, 168f

Animated Cartoons (Lutz), 13

Animation, 3840, 360

analyzing, 374381

approaches to, 3234

definition, 362

history of, 3132

lecture, ...

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