F.4. Group or User SetPermissions Method Options

The SetPermssions method of both the Group and User objects allows you to specify the permissions a group or user has to a database object. As noted in Chapter 7, these method options are specific to MDB database files only. SetPermissions() has no effect on the Access 2007 file format (ACCDB database files).

F.4.1. ObjectTypeEnum Members

The ObjectType option specifies the type of object to which the permission will be applied.

adPermObjColumn2A Column object.
adPermObjDatabase3A Database object.
adPermObjProcedure4A Procedure object.
adPermObjProviderSpecific−1The object type is defined by the provider. If this value is specified, an ObjectTypeID must also be specified.
adPermObjTable1A Table object.
adPermObjView5A View object.

F.4.2. ActionEnum Members

The Action option specifies how the permission should be applied to the specified object.

adAccessDeny3Deny the specified permissions.
adAccessGrant1Grant the specified permissions. The permissions specified are added to those that have already been granted.
adAccessRevoke4Revoke all permissions.
adAccessSet2Set the specified permissions. Only the specified permissions will be in force.

F.4.3. RightsEnum Members

The Rights option specifies the actual rights, or permissions, for denying, granting, revoking, or setting.

adRightCreate16384The user/group has permission to create a new object of the specified type.
adRightDelete ...

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