D.3. DAO Field Types

The following table lists the constants in the DAO DataTypeEnum and their corresponding data types in the Access Table designer.

DAO DataTypeEnumConstant ValueAccess Field Type
dbBigInt16Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbBinary9Cannot create in Access designer but can be created in DAO
dbByte2Number, Field Size=Byte
dbChar18Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbComplexByte102Number, Field Size=Byte
dbComplexDecimal108Cannot create in DAO but can create in Access designer
dbComplexDouble106Number, Field Size=Double
dbComplexGUID107Number, Field Size=Replication ID
dbComplexInteger103Number, Field Size=Integer
dbComplexLong104Number, Field Size=Long Integer
dbComplexSingle105Number, Field Size=Single
dbDecimal20Cannot create in DAO but can create in Access designer
dbDouble7Number, Field Size=Double
dbFloat21Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbGUID15Number, Field Size=Replication ID
dbInteger3Number, Field Size=Integer
dbLong4Number, Field Size=Long Integer
dbLongBinary11Number, Field Size=OLE Object
dbNumeric19Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbSingle6Number, Field Size=Single
dbTime22Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbTimeStamp23Cannot create in Access, but can be used by linked tables
dbVarBinary17Cannot create in Access, but can be used by ...

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