F.3. Connection.OpenSchema Method Options

The tables in this section describe the values that can be specified for the Command.OpenSchema method's Schema and Restrictions arguments.

F.3.1. Schema Argument Members

The Schema argument specifies the type of information to return, the members of which are defined in the following table.

Only those values that have meaning in Access are included. The four remaining unlisted values, adSchemaActions, adSchemaCommands, adSchemaFunctions, and adSchemaSets relate specifically to the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services library. For more information about these enumeration members, please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

F.3.1.1. SchemaEnum Members
adSchemaAsserts0Returns the constraints defined in the catalog. Unsupported by the Jet provider.
adSchemaCatalogs1Returns the catalogs that are accessible from the database. Unsupported by the Jet provider.
adSchemaCharacterSets2Returns the character sets defined in the catalog. Unsupported by the Jet provider.
adSchemaCheckConstraints4Returns the check constraints (validation rules) defined in the catalog.
adSchemaCollations3Returns the sort orders defined in the catalog. Unsupported by the Jet provider.
adSchemaColumnPrivileges13Returns the privileges on columns that are available to, or granted by, a given user. Unsupported by the Jet provider.
adSchemaColumns4Returns the columns of tables and views that are accessible to a given user.
adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage ...

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