About the Creative Team

Peter Meyers (editor) works as an editor at O'Reilly Media on the Missing Manual series. He lives with his wife and cats in New York City. Email: .

Sanders Kleinfeld (editor) is a production editor for the Head First series at O'Reilly Media. In addition to copyediting lengthy technical books, he enjoys British crosswords and Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns. Email:

Juel Bortolussi (technical reviewer) has worked as an Access database developer for inventory and asset management systems in the design, beverage, and publishing industries. She thinks this book would make a great classroom textbook, providing students with database skills. Email:

Michael Schmalz (technical reviewer) works in banking and performs business and technology consulting in a variety of industries. He has done technical editing for O'Reilly on Microsoft Office books. Michael has a degree in finance from Penn State. He lives with his wife and daughter in Pennsylvania.

Sohaila Abdulali (copy editor) is a freelance writer and editor. She has published a novel, several children's books, and numerous short stories and articles. She recently finished an ethnography of an aboriginal Indian woman. She lives in New York City with her husband Tom and their small but larger-than-life daughter, Samara. She can be reached through her Web site at www.sohailaink.com.

Jill Steinberg (copy editor) is a freelance writer and editor based in Seattle, and has produced content for O'Reilly, Intel, Microsoft, and the University of Washington. Jill was educated at Brandeis University, Williams College, and Stanford University. Email: .

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