E.22. The SmartTag Object

All of Microsoft Office 2003 has the capability to use SmartTags. You can programmatically manipulate the SmartTag object by accessing its properties and methods.

E.22.1. Properties of the SmartTag Object

The properties of the SmartTag object are listed in the following table.

PropertyData TypeDescription
ApplicationApplication objectRepresents the currently active Access application
IsMissingBooleanReturns true if the SmartTag isn't installed or isn't correctly installed
NameStringReturns the name of the SmartTag
ParentObjectRefers to the parent object of the SmartTag
PropertiesSmartTagProperties collectionReturns the collection of all properties for a particular SmartTag
SmartTagActionsSmartTagActions collectionReturns the collection of all actions available for a specific SmartTag
XMLStringRepresents the XML code for a SmartTag

The SmartTag object has only one method, the Delete method.

The SmartTagActions collection and the SmartTagProperties collection have the standard properties associated with any collection (Application, Count, Item, and Parent). The individual SmartTagAction object has one method you can utilize within your code, the Execute method. This method performs the specified SmartTag action. The SmartTagProperty object only has one method, the Delete method.

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