I.3. Split Your Application

You've probably heard it many times: Your application should be split into a front-end application and a back-end database. The benefits are many, including the ability to easily switch back-end databases (for example, between Production and Test) and to deliver new versions of the application without disturbing the user's data.

Access provides a wizard to split databases, but it's easy to do yourself if you follow these steps. Also, it will improve your understanding of what splitting a database really does.

  1. Make a backup.

  2. Copy your MDB to another MDB, named something like "MyApp Data.MDB".

  3. Rename the first MDB "MyApp Application.MDB".

  4. In the Data MDB, delete all objects except the tables. You can also delete configuration tables that you know will be in the front-end database.

  5. In the Application MDB, delete the tables (except any local tables). Then, use File..Get External Data..Link Tables to link all the tables from the Data MDB.

Now that your database is split, you can relink tables using the Linked Table Manager under the Tools..Database Utilities menu, or you can install one of the many Access table relinker functions available on the Internet or in other books.

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