10.2. Properties

All forms have a set of properties that are specific to them, and each control (text box, command button, and so on) on the form has its own properties as well. There are many properties that share a common name between a form and the controls contained on it, but each object retains its own values. For example, a form and a text box both have a visible property, but the text box property may be set to False, while the form property is set to True. For review, the following table displays a list of example properties. A longer list can be found in Appendix E.

FormCaptionA string expression that appears in the title bar of the form
 RecordsourceA string expression that defines the source of data
 AllowEditsBoolean value that specifies if the user can edit records on the form
Text boxControlSourceA string expression identifying the name of the field in the Form's Recordsource that the text box should push/pull data.
 VisibleBoolean value that specifies if the control is visible to the user
 InputMaskA string expression that defines the way data is entered
 StatusBarTextA string expression displayed at the bottom of the Access window while the cursor is in the control
Combo boxRowSourceA string expression that defines the source of data
 LimitToListBoolean value that restricts the user's selection to only values in the combo box
 Tab IndexNumerical value that specifies the order in which the cursor should travel from one field to the next

10.2.1. ...

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