
We'd like to thank all the folks at Wiley who made this book possible. Bob Elliott worked with Patricia and Teresa to build the amazing team of authors present on this book as well as to get all the mounds of paperwork straight. Eileen Bien Calabro showed incredible patience formatting, organizing, and editing our chapters. She reassured us that we could get all this done and done well, in a remarkably short time, as long as we focused. Our technical editor, Michael Stowe, tirelessly checked all of our facts and gently steered us back on course when needed. Techbooks International Pvt. Ltd. worked incredibly hard to format all the pages and work with all of the figures in this book. Thanks everyone!

—The Group

Thanks to all who had to put up with me when I had to meet deadlines. My husband, Rob, endured many nights of takeout and several weekends when I was glued to my computer. My parents, Joe and Sally, have supported me in everything I do and I thank God for them every day.

I would not be where I am today in my career if it were not for the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) program. I am honored to be included in that esteemed group of professionals.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Teresa Hennig. She handled the majority of the scheduling of chapters and helped me keep all of the information for this book organized. Coordinating four authors and several contributors takes patience and dedication. Thanks Teresa for all your hard work.


First, I'd ...

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