E.4. AccessObject

The AccessObject refers to a particular Access object within any of the following collections: AllDataAccessPages, AllDatabaseDiagrams, AllForms, AllFunctions, AllMacros, AllModules, AllQueries, AllReports, AllStoredProcedures, AllTables, and AllViews.

E.4.1. Properties of the AccessObject

The AccessObject has its own properties and methods you can implement within your code. The following table lists the various properties of the AccessObject.

PropertyData TypeDescription
CurrentViewacCurrentView (acCurrentViewDatasheet, acCurrentViewDesign, acCurrentViewFormBrowse, acCurrentViewPivotChart, acCurrentViewPivotTable, acCurrentViewPreview)Returns the current view for the specified Access object
DateCreatedDateReturns the date the AccessObject was created
DateModifiedDateReturns the date the AccessObject was last modified
FullNameStringSets or returns the full path (including name) of the object
IsLoadedBooleanBoolean value that specifies whether the current object is loaded
NameStringString that contains the name of the currently loaded object
ParentAccessObjectReturns an AccessObject for any currently loaded AccessObject
PropertiesAccessObject Properties collectionReturns a reference to the AccessObject Properties collection
TypeacObjectType (acDataAccessPage, acDefault, acDiagram, acForm, acFunction, acMacro, acModule, acQuery, acReport, acServer View, acStoredProcedure, acTable)Returns the type of the AccessObject

E.4.2. Methods of the AccessObject

The AccessObject ...

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