
A book is a team effort. The players on this team were a delight to work with. Ruben Hillar, our chief researcher, applied boundless curiosity matched only by his inexhaustible energy. Becky Hogan mined the data with a ferocious intensity. David Turnbull was the bass player of our little band; his cool logic and unflappable calm kept us on track. Toomas Truumees and Camelia Ram led the charge on Chapter 6. Krishnan Rajagopalan, Jeff Sanders, and Samantha Smith brought decades of executive search experience to Chapter 12. Carolyn Vavrek and Bonnie Gwin took the lead role on Chapter 13 and brought us invaluable insights. Susan Moore was tireless and painstaking in her editorial efforts, and Heloisa Nogueira, with the assistance of Thomas Fleming, Rachel Swift, and Melissa Haniff, managed the publishing process with aplomb. Paul Carroll took our words and made them readable.

Thank you.

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