
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “b” refers to figures and boxes respectively.


Accelerating MATLAB without GPU, 1
code readability and optimization, 10
file read/write, minimizing, 10
for-loop, 7, 109–111
memory preallocation, 6–7
sparse matrix form, 7–9
variable class, changing, 10
vectorization, 1–6
elementwise operation, 2–3
useful tricks, 4–6
vector/matrix operation, 3–4
Atlas-based segmentation, 193–194
MATLAB codes for, 194–203
atlasSeg_Cuda.m, 228, 228f, 229f


Binary segmentation mask, 193, 194f
BLAS (basic linear algebra subroutines), 127


C/C++ compilers, 19, 20, 74, 121
cal_regularization, 206, 208f, 209f, 210, 215
Cluster Profile Manager window, 110f
code profiling for CUDA, 52–64

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