

ACMA. See Algebraic Constant Modulus Algorithms (ACMA)
Across-track interferometry, 1044
Across-track SAR interferometry
statistical characterization of, 1055
surface topography, measuring, 1054
Across-track velocity
parameter estimation, 957
SAR imaging, 936
Active constellation extension (ACE), 242243
Adaptive beamformer pattern synthesis, 624
Adaptive channel estimation, 118119
Adaptive filter implementations
reduced-dimension STAP (RD-STAP), 630
post-Doppler STAP, 632
pre-Doppler STAP, 634
reduced-rank STAP, 622
adaptive beamformer pattern synthesis, 624
cross spectral metric, 627
diagonal loading, 626
eigencanceler, 625
Hung Turner Projection (HTP), 626
Multi-StageWiener Filter (MWF), 629
principle components inverse (PCI), 624

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