ScanDisk Command Reference

These are the options you can use to run ScanDisk, the disk-repair tool included with Windows 9x/Me.

 To check and repair a drive, use the following syntax: SCANDISK [drive: | /ALL] [/CHECKONLY | /AUTOFIX [/NOSAVE]] [/SURFACE] To check and repair an unmounted DriveSpace compressed volume file, use: SCANDISK drive:\DRVSPACE.nnn [/CHECKONLY | /AUTOFIX[/NOSAVE]] To examine a file for fragmentation, use the following syntax: SCANDISK /FRAGMENT [drive:][path]filename To undo repairs you made previously, use the following syntax: SCANDISK /UNDO [drive:] For [drive:], specify the drive containing your Undo disk. /ALL Checks and repairs all local drives. /AUTOFIX Fixes damage without prompting. /CHECKONLY Checks a drive, but ...

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