

74HCT240 chips, 193

130-in-1 Electronic Project Labs, 182


AC (Alternating Current), 126–127, 176


kits, 302

microcontrollers/control software, 313

active-low configuration, 293

ActivMedia Robotics

AmigoBot ePresence, 169

Web site, 27

actuators, 42, 88

gears, 88

hydraulic cylinders, 88

motors, 88

muscle wire, 89

pneumatic cylinders, 89

adaptive robots, 16

Advanced Design, Inc., 161–162

AFSMs (Augmented Finite-State Machines), 43

Age of Automation, 22

AIBO (Artificially Intelligent Robot), 30, 56, 163–164

AIBO-Life Web site, 338

alkaline batteries, 94

All Electronics, 317

alligator clips, 118

Alternating Current (AC), 126–127, 176

aluminum frames, 85–86

Amdahl, Kenn, 67, 176

Amdahl’s First Law, 67

American Science and Surplus, ...

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