Appendix C

Trace File Field Types

Field 0: event type

s: send r: receive d: drop f: forward

Filed 1: General tag

–t: time

Field 2: Next hop info

–Hs: id for this node

–Hd: id for next hop towards the destinationField 3: Node property type tag

–Ni: node id

–Nx –Ny –Nz: node’s x/y/z coordinate

–Ne: node energy level

–Nl: trace level, such as AGT, RTR, MAC

–Nw: reason for the eventField 4: packet info at MAC level

–Ma: duration

–Md: dest’s ethernet address

–Ms: src’s ethernet address

–Mt: ethernet typeField 5: Packet information at IP level

–Is: source address. Source port number

–Id: dest address.dest port number

–It: packet type

–Il: packet size

–If: flow id

–Ii: unique id

–Iv: ttl valueField 6: Packet info at “Application level” which consists ...

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